Friday 5 July 2013

How Conrad Revolutionize The Hotel Industry

At 4:00, it is evident that Conrad Hilton planted his personal sense of hospitality.

He said, " It isn't just the building that makes a good hotel. It isn't fancy chrome trimming in the bathrooms, or delicate crystal on the dinning room table. It isn't even service alone. It is the warmth, deep, more human thing than any of these. It's in sincerity, and hospitality - the glowing, living thing that people feel the minute they cross the threshold."

Conrad Hilton strong implementation of true hospitality has been communicated through all his hotel, such that every of his hotel have motivated staff and provide great value for the guests. Conrad Hilton has changed the new meaning of hotel since his times, that has been an important and great learning model for all the hotels or even the hospitality industry today.

Thursday 4 July 2013

Tony Fernandes: Communication Style

Communication style:

Tony Fernandes has a mega huge corporation just like any other airline companies.However, there's one thing that set him apart from them, that is the communication style he had inculcated in Air Asia. Instead of having just upward communication, Fernandes has effectively communicated downward and lateral towards his staff and throughout the no-frill airline company:

Tony Fernandes' open-concept office
  • "I do not have a corner office and five dragon ladies protecting me and keeping off everybody else. I am in an open office, any body can just walk up," said Fernandes. 
  • This shows effective downward communication as Fernandes maintain an open-door policy, and literally let every of his employees know they can come to him with problems
  • In order to help him to understand some of the problems and issues his departments are having, Fernandes will work for a few days every month on the ground or in the cabin crew. He says he's learned a lot from working on the airline himself. 
  • This effective lateral communication allow him to easily see the "big" picture that can help him continuously improve the organisation.
This is definitely an eye-opening learning experience from Tony Fernandes who dare to show that he can succeed without going book by book. He defies gravity or MBA theory! Just like what we learnt about leaders vs managers in school: Management is doing things right; leadership (Fernandes) is doing the right thing.

Ho Kwon Ping: Diversity in Banyan Tree

Diversity of Workforce:

Diverse workforce in Banyan Tree
As a growing global organization, Banyan Tree has grown from a single boutique resort into a multi-business operator. As a result, the workforce gets more diversified as it expanded internationally. 

However, Ho Kwon Ping (K.P.) did not treat differently or despise his staff members of different race, culture and background. This is evident in the following:

  • "We are a rainbow company where everybody, regardless of background, can feel a future in them, " said K.P.
  • Whenever Banyan Tree open a new hotel, K.P. will put together a task force of young people from different backgrounds and hotels so they can help new hotel acquire the management culture. But in working together, they develop a bond.
It is the pure ingenuity of K.P. to address diversity by forming an experienced "diversed" team to carry on the similar culture in a new hotel , whereby with this method, it is effective to integrate high performance teams in the new hotel. Moreover, in terms of the stages of team development, the new team development can cut short of the process such as the "Storming" stage as the new team's goals and values are aligned with the company.

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Hilton: A true Leader

Relating Conrad  Hilton with what we have learned about a good leader,
Hilton has motivate his people to continue to do their best, taking on a coaching role by often talking to them and finding what is wrong or right that they are doing. 
He also exploit opportunities that comes his way, by continuing to buy over hotels relentlessly to expand his business. 
Being in the hospitality industry or any other industry, it is inevitable that there would be no changes at all. 
Conrad was always ready to anticipate changes that would be coming. 
He was a smart leader who focuses on achieving the best result through motivating his people and continuous improvement in service for the customers
Empowering workers also involves disciplining and correcting wrong behaviours. This would therefore lead the organization toward its objectives, which is being good at what they do.

Conrad Hilton's Leadership Styles & Traits

Hilton is a transformational leader who provide stimulation and individual examination. His key traits were determination, visionary, risk taker, tenaciousness, dedication, energetic, caring, conscientiousness, motivation, persistent, and ambitious.

Conrad's business faced troubles at first, incurring losses and running into debt. But with determination, he trusted on his ability, started over again and bought his first hotel outside Texas in San Francisco. He then set a goal to build a hotel every year.

Hilton's management style is that he believes that anyone in the organization can be a manager one day, therefore he employs the laissez-faire management style. He hired capable managers and allowed them to make important decisions regarding hotel policies. He also encourages and supports his staff to achieve the goals of the hotel, which is to give excellent service for the guests staying in the hotel. He is a people-oriented leader, who would personally ask his employees for their opinions about their work and the company. This lets his people know that they are actually valued, appreciated, and not unseen.

His way of treating people fairly inspired others to follow suit, as they knew what kind of leader he was. Hilton also empowered them to make the right decision for the hotel.

In regards to visionary and conscientiousness, he used good quality building materials that didn’t require repair and maintenance, so as to build a good quality building and save a lot of future expenses on maintenance.

Conrad Hilton was an innovator, first applying practices now used industry-wide in hotel management. For example, he was one of the first hoteliers to use an inter-hotel reservation system and set the standard for the mass-purchase of soap, matches and all hotel room items.

Steve Wynn Donation: He is the “Anonymous” United Way Donor

Even though Steve Wynn is a billionaire, he still care about other people who is unfortunate. Each individual human being possesses a unique, highly developed, and sensitive perception of variety. Thus, Wynn is endowed with a natural capability for implementing mental and external physical selectivity.

A half-year mystery for 4,000 families in southern Nevada was at last solved when casino mogul, Steve Wynn, made it known that he’s made the anonymous donation of $2 million to the United Way of Southern Nevada.

The first round of families received $500 bank gift cards before Christmas 2011 and another 2,000 families received the donations Saturday in Las Vegas. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the second highest among the 49 metropolitan areas with a 2000 census population of 1 million or more, the unemployment rate for the Las Vegas area was 11.6 percent in April. 

The metro area of Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario, Calif., had the highest, at 11.7 percent. Wynn has put a small portion of that money back into this community of struggling blue-collar workers. Many of the families who received the $500 gift earned roughly $16,000 or less last year. Las Vegas business leaders said the donation wasn’t unusual. They pointed to this desert city’s many charitable and wealthy residents.

It is shown through Wynn action that he is a true leader. Besides material success, he has proven the human element in him is more than just that and displayed great social responsibility. With this, he has indirectly cultivated this value in his employees and definitely a good role model for them.

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Biography of Conrad Hilton, Founder of Hilton Worldwide


Conrad Hilton was born in San Antonio, New Mexico. He was a American with a German descent. He grew up with 8 siblings.

He is the founder of Hilton Hotel and it started from because he could not buy a bank in texas, therefore he decided to buy a hotel instead. The business was really good that he change dining rooms into rooms for guests. Business was good and well until the economic downfall, he was nearly forced to being bankruptcy but was kept to being a manager instead. He later got back at the hotels that he nearly lost and continued buying more.

His company is now doing well that currently the organization has 3,897 hotels with over 642,000 rooms in 91 countries.

Hilton Worldwide