Monday 1 July 2013

Fernandes's Leadership Styles and Traits

 What’s his leadership style?
Fernandes is a blend of both charismatic and people-oriented leader.

Tony and the Allstars at his birthday
Being a charismatic leader, the airline chief leads his team of “Allstars” by infusing positive energy and eagerness in them. 
  • Evidently, before his interview with entrepreneur site, Fernandes was seen walking around his company greeting and joking with anyone that passed him. 
  • He constantly carries a vibe full of passion and charisma such that he can “infect” his team members and have them carry the same attitude to their fellow colleagues and eventually the customers.
  • Whenever he is stopped by clients at the passenger terminal, he will be more than happy to carry their bags, chat with them and even walk them to the plane. Who else can be a better role model in executing excellent customer service to his own employees?
Fernandes says that to him “employees come number one, customers come number two. If you have a happy workforce, they’ll look after your customers anyway.” This earned him the title of a people-oriented leader. Such simple formula but often overlook by managers and bosses who are too task- or profit-focused. 
  • Believing that hierarchy does not work in his company, Fernandes has his office right smack in the middle of the company, with no walls and doors.
  • He mentioned that “everybody has my contact number so people from errand boys to the senior management will just call, SMS, and email me directly, and they get problems solved very quickly. You do not need to go through layers of bureaucracy.” 
  • This breaks down barriers between him and his team members where everyone can see him and approach him anytime. He is the manager, but he is also part of the team
  • This one-of-a-kind corporate culture is the reason this company is so successful with low turnover rates.
With all being said, Fernandes is definitely also a transformational leader from the four leadership theories. He communicates a vision: “Dream the impossible, believe the unbelievable, and never take no for an answer” which inspires and motivates people to achieve something extraordinary.  As an effective transformational leader, he has the ability to align people and systems with his vision.

Tony Fernandes

What are his traits?
The corporate culture Fernandes created reflects his personality.
Focus – He knows where he is going and has a strong stated mission to lead people on. He puts the turnaround of the airline down to ‘culture, focus and discipline’.
Supportive – He gave encouragement and genuine support to his crews who are passionate to pursue their dreams. One great example is when one of his cabin crew became his pilot.
Passionate – Passionate about his company, his employees and the culture he creates
Collaborative – He so solicit input and feedback from his team members so that they feel being part of the process.

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