Wednesday 3 July 2013

Conrad Hilton's Leadership Styles & Traits

Hilton is a transformational leader who provide stimulation and individual examination. His key traits were determination, visionary, risk taker, tenaciousness, dedication, energetic, caring, conscientiousness, motivation, persistent, and ambitious.

Conrad's business faced troubles at first, incurring losses and running into debt. But with determination, he trusted on his ability, started over again and bought his first hotel outside Texas in San Francisco. He then set a goal to build a hotel every year.

Hilton's management style is that he believes that anyone in the organization can be a manager one day, therefore he employs the laissez-faire management style. He hired capable managers and allowed them to make important decisions regarding hotel policies. He also encourages and supports his staff to achieve the goals of the hotel, which is to give excellent service for the guests staying in the hotel. He is a people-oriented leader, who would personally ask his employees for their opinions about their work and the company. This lets his people know that they are actually valued, appreciated, and not unseen.

His way of treating people fairly inspired others to follow suit, as they knew what kind of leader he was. Hilton also empowered them to make the right decision for the hotel.

In regards to visionary and conscientiousness, he used good quality building materials that didn’t require repair and maintenance, so as to build a good quality building and save a lot of future expenses on maintenance.

Conrad Hilton was an innovator, first applying practices now used industry-wide in hotel management. For example, he was one of the first hoteliers to use an inter-hotel reservation system and set the standard for the mass-purchase of soap, matches and all hotel room items.

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